"Minimizing Poverty, Homelessness, Hunger and Disadvantages"

Make a Difference Today by
Minimizing Poverty, Hunger,
Despair & Disadvantages...

A SIDE HUSTLE HELPING THE HOMELESS FOR THE PAST DECADE has become something BIGGER THAN MYSELF... Undoubtedly, I want to help over a MILLION HOMELESS PEOPLE primarily in CHICAGO, NY and LA (and other locations as well as needed) per YEAR through FAITH! MORE AMERICANS ARE HOMELESS NOW more than ever before.
Can I do it? Yes, I can! But only through FAITH! And hopefully it will become so contagious that it will be a norm for others. The goal is to help eradicate poverty from the World through leaving a legacy that will encourage others to do the same.
My name is Pete Lorins (PeteLorins.com), the son of the late GREAT PASTOR PIERRE LORINS; and besides working on over a dozen companies (projects) weekly/monthly, and STUDYING or RESEARCHING by FAITH, I have still maintained a heart for the HOMELESS and the FAITHLESS through Lorins FAITH Ministries. WHY, you may ask.
You see, my secret sauce has always been FAITH. By FAITH I left my parents at about 12 years of age to move from the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere to a very different yet still troubled and experimental richest country in the World called America, all alone; by Faith I went to Undergrad with no money and no support system while I was homeless for 3 years myself and worked 90+ hours a week to finish my electrical engineering Bachelor's degree; By Faith I beat many odds and proved my professors and peers wrong and did things that they claimed were improbable or impossible; and by Faith I got married right out of college and had children and until today, ALL I HAVE IS FAITH, and I would not trade it for a TRILLION DOLLARS. So, other than monetary help, shelter and food, FAITH is the main thing that I intend to share w/ the HOMELESS. Having been homeless before (e.g., slept in a sleeping bag for 3 years in Undergrad, took showers in gyms, ate leftovers heated on old room heaters) trust me, I VALUE GOD so much today. This is why helping the homeless is a means to an END and that end is sharing MY STORY OF FAITH w/ them. In the Holy Scriptures, when Habakkuk wrote that “the righteous shall live by his faith,” he was echoing a timeless truth first modeled in Abraham's life (Genesis 15:6). At LorinsFAITH, we share a story of FAITH w/ the Homeless through breaking bread with them. You're welcome to be part of our mission in doing something that is bigger than ourselves.
If you feel so compelled and/or if God inspires you to DONATE towards this endeavor... Please do so by clicking on the DONATE button on our website. Please tap into a World of LIMITLESS FAITH. I welcome you to talk to me about FAITH any time.
Best regards,
Pete Lorins, PhD, JD, MDc

If You're a Migrant, Refugee or Undocumented Person Who are in Need of Assistance, CONTACT OUR AFFILIATE NON-PROFIT AT: